Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sleeping with an Empty Stomach

The air was cold and crisp. The park has turned into a dark nightmare. Then Tim and I realized that we're lost in the forest. "Dr Grant? Hello! Dr Grant!" I shouted. Tim was worried that the meat-asaurus would hear my shouts. But at last through we saw Dr Grant. Now I am very hungry. We've got to go back to the safari lodge so that I could eat and Dr Grant could warn Dr Wu, Dr Harding, and the rest of the crews about the raptors on the ship. 

Suddenly, we heard someone coughed. No one said a word. The noises came from the road above us. We all climbed up and saw Ed Regis standing very still right next to a tree. Then there was the sound of breathing. Dr Grant made Tim and I stay still. A dark shape of a young tyrannosaur moved out of the trees. It ran away past Ed Regis. When he thought it was safe enough, he went out into the open road, but the tyrannosaur suddenly attacked him. It looked like as if the tyrannosaur wanted to play a game with Ed Regis. But as we continued watching, it opened its mouth and bent down. Ed Regis started to scream and scream then the screaming suddenly stopped.  I held my breath. When the tyrannosaur went away, I saw a figure of a man in its jaws. It was the scariest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

Dr Grant made us run and run and run until I couldn’t run any longer. Then Dr Grant picked me up and soon I was asleep… When I woke up afterwards, I could see a building from where we were. Dr Grant helped us to go over the fences. We went into a shed which was filled with hay food for the animals. Dr Grant pushed together some hay on the floor. We laid down on the hay and went to sleep, hoping that this was only a nightmare…

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